Resistance Training


The benefits of resistance training seem to be endless: lower pain levels, improved brain function, protection against chronic disease, improved sleep quality, reduced rates of anxiety and depress, and so many more! There is so much research and so many resources on the benefits, yet only 16% of Canadians reach weekly physical activity guidelines 😳. 

The goal is to JUST START. You don’t have to pick up hundreds of pounds or try to adhere to an unsustainable workout regimen. This can cause burnout and lack of long-term results.

Here are some tips to get started today:

  1. Pick something you enjoy. Whether it is circuit training, bodyweight exercises, group classes, powerlifting, whatever! You have to enjoy it to make long term progress.

  2. Start with friends and family. Having a social support system that can help push you when you aren’t motivated is key.

  3. Make a sustainable goal. This could be exercising ONCE per week to start. If you can commit to 1x/week for a whole month it starts to become a habit. You can increase frequency from there.

  4. Focus on FUNCTION and FEELING rather than weight loss and looks. This is about FEELING BETTER and having a BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE. Everyone else is extra.

We are always here to help you reach your goals, whether getting out of pain, getting stronger, feeling better, etc. Contact us if you have any questions. 

We don’t just offer chiropractic services, we also offer both in-person and online strength training!

Book online or contact to book today!


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