Our Treatment

Yes we do “normal” chiropractic stuff!

We’ve had a few people asking if we only do strength training/rehab or just massage techniques. NO! We do it all. 

That “cracking” you see all over social media, yes we do that. However, that only takes about 5 mins. Our follow up appointments are 30 minutes, that means we have 25 minutes of OTHER stuff we can get done during your appointment. We would be doing you a disservice if all we did was a chiropractic adjustment and push you out the door.

A typical follow-up treatment consists of: 

5 minutes of history taking and LISTENING to you. We ask how you responded to previous treatment, if anything has changed in your condition, and how your home exercises went. 

10 minutes of soft tissue techniques. This could include: muscle massage, active release techniques, Graston technique (IASTM), cupping, etc. to address the muscles that are causing you pain or discomfort. 

5 minute of chiropractic adjusting. The “cracking” that everyone loves.

10 minutes of rehab exercises and assessing movement patterns.

This can vary widely based on the patient, their goals, their expectations, and their condition. We could just do a 30 minute rehab session or could be a full 30 minute manual therapy session, it just depends! Regardless, we DO utilize chiropractic adjustments but they are only a small part of what we do!


You Are Not Fragile


Resistance Training