Dr. Nicholas Longo

Dr. Longo grew up a multi-sport athlete playing hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball and football. He is no stranger to injuries and has sustained many over his athletic career. Seeking chiropractic care from his provider inspired him to become a chiropractor himself.

Dr. Longo graduated from the University of Waterloo with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a minor in Human Nutrition. He played on the varsity football team for the Warriors throughout his career at UW. Here is where his passion for human performance and rehabilitation flourished.

Dr. Longo attended the Northeast College of Health Sciences (formerly New York Chiropractic College) in New York and obtained his Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Here is where his passion for helping people grew and he gained a lot of clinical experience. He earned Honours, was inducted into the Phi Chi Omega Honours Society, earned advanced certificates in Custom Stabilizing Orthotics and Whole Food Nutrition, and earned the Dean’s Recognition of Achievement Award for his exceptional board scores.

He took outside courses to improve his clinical skills and earned his certificate from RockTape in Functional Movement Taping Basic and Advanced (kinesiotaping). He also took the Athletic Movement Assessment Lower Extremity course to better his functional assessment skills.

Dr. Longo also holds a Certified Personal Training Specialist certificate from Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc. (canfitpro), making him a licensed personal trainer. He has also competed in powerlifting for over 6 years and has competed internationally for Team Canada at the Pan-American Games and the Commonwealth Games earning medals in both events. Dr. Longo’s passion and experience in strength and conditioning helps him better serve your physical goals and better program your rehab and return to sport protocols.


Dr. Amy Le

Dr. Le has always had a passion for movement. She played many sports growing up, including basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Over the last few years, Dr. Le has taken on the sport of powerlifting, which has become a major influence in her love for rehabilitation.

Dr. Le graduated from Western University with a Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology. After a few years of working as a Registered Kinesiologist, she attended Northeast College of Health Sciences (formerly New York Chiropractic College) and obtained her Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2023. During her time at Northeast College, Dr. Le was inducted into the Phi Chi Omega Honours Society, and earned certificates in Custom Stabilizing Orthotics and Whole Food Nutrition. In addition, Dr. Le was a teaching assistant guiding many students within chiropractic adjustment classes.

To improve her clinical skills, Dr. Le took many courses such as Functional Movement Taping from Rocktape, Athletic Movement Assessment - Lower Extremity course, and Motion Palpation seminars. After graduating, Dr. Le became certified in Neurofunctional Acupuncture with McMaster University in order to broaden the modalities available for her patients.  

Outside of the clinic, Dr. Le can be found spending quality time with her baby boy Kenji, her corgi Speedy, and her loving husband. Although she has not competed in any powerlifting meets recently, Dr. Le loves spending time in the gym.

Her goal as a chiropractor is to provide evidence-based treatment with a holistic and individualized approach. Amy is very excited to help the members of the London community reach their rehabilitation goals.