Initial Assessment

London ON Chiro

What can you expect at your first visit! 👨🏽‍⚕️

Our initial assessment is required for all new patients and is roughly 1 hour long. As you can see by our Google reviews we are very thorough in our assessment! You can expect:

  1. Intake forms to be sent electronically before the appointment so we can spend more time with you at the clinic.

  2. A detailed history of your current injury (how it happened, what causes it to hurt, etc.).

  3. A detailed medical history (current medications, any past injuries, surgeries, medical conditions, etc.).

  4. An orthopaedic exam - we take you through a series of tests to help narrow down where the pain is coming from and what triggers it.

  5. A neurological exam - to make sure we rule out red flags or more serious injuries that need to be referred out.

  6. Muscle testing - determine what muscles are weak in what ranges of motion.

  7. Palpation - physically touching and assessing the muscles and joints.

  8. Movement assessment - getting you in our gym area to assess how you move and what movements specifically cause you pain and why.

  9. Informed consent - we go over our findings and explain why we think you are in pain and set out a clear plan to help get you better. We touch base on the different treatment modalities we will use throughout care and the benefits, risk, and alternatives to them.

  10. Treatment - yes we treat on your first visit. This can consist of manual therapy (adjustments, soft tissue, etc.), rehab/exercises, education on your condition, and recommendations to do at home.

We hope this clears up why we need so long for our initial assessment. We want to get to the root cause of your problem and set out a good plan to accomplish getting rid of it!

Book online or contact us to book today!


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