You Are Not Fragile

You are NOT fragile! 

The human body is extremely resilient and adaptable. Even in the face of anatomical “faults”, the body can do amazing feats. For example, the fastest man on Earth, Usain Bolt, has scoliosis (lateral curvature to his spine). This doesn’t mean he is constantly in pain or that he can’t train properly, his body has ADAPTED to this (and extremely well at that). 

Our clinic has only been open for one month but we’ve already heard so many patients telling us they have “degenerative disc disease”, “osteoarthritis”, or “their hip is out of place”. Some of these patients were told by previous doctors, chiros, and physios about these conditions and told them to avoid activities and that they are doomed to a life of pain. This is FALSE.

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a normal process of aging and the prevalence in the population is proportional to age (eg. 40% of 40 year olds have DDD on x-ray, 70% of 70 year olds, etc.). This is no different than having grey hairs; congrats, you have life experience! 

Now, sometimes this can cause reduced range of motion and can be symptomatic in a percentage of the population, but the majority of people never know they have it until they get an x-ray. This means there may be SOMETHING ELSE causing you pain other than this arbitrary condition.

This does NOT mean to reduce physical activity levels, quite the opposite. We want to find ways to exercise and strengthen your body to work around the pain and restriction. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THIS! 

Send us a message if you’ve ever been told you have DDD and let us help you work through it with movement! 

PS. joints don’t just “go out of place” unless there is a medical subluxation or dislocation - in this case, this is an ER referral. 


Flexion Distraction


Our Treatment