Why We Don’t Do Treatment Packages

We’ve had a couple patients ask us if we do treatment packages (for example: paying for a lump sum of appointments upfront and getting a lower cost per appointment).

We currently don’t offer this and here is why:

The human body is extremely complex and it’s so hard to accurately predict healing times of an injury. Some people may get 90% better in just 1 treatment. Some may feel no improvement until after 3-4 treatments. It’s incredibly hard to predict how many treatments it will take for you to get better.

This is why we do an appointment by appointment approach and measure outcome scores after each appointment. We would hate for you to spend more money on appointments that you may not need. We truly want to get you healthier as fast as possible and see you less and less over time for preventative treatments and check-ups. 

Send us a message to talk about your health so we can find treatments specifically tailored to you!



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