Ice Vs. Heat For Your Injury?

🧊 vs. 🔥? What is best for your injury?

Well this depends on what type of injury you have and how long you have had it for. 

Ice is great for acute injuries (<72 hrs after an injury occurs). Ice can help to reduce the inflammation, swelling, and pain of a new injury in the short term. While inflammation is demonized, it is necessary in the acute phase of an injury to bring in immune cells and help to heal and regenerate the area. So don’t get caught up too much on “decreasing inflammation”, especially in chronic injuries (over weeks to months long).

Heat is great for chronic injuries (weeks to months old) and to help relax tense muscles. Heat helps to open blood vessels and bring more blood and nutrients into the injured tissue for healing. It can also help to relax and destress. 

Both modalities should not be applied for more than 15 minutes at a time (per hour). Both are also short term strategies for pain management and a long term plan including seeing a clinician, lifestyle changes, and an exercise/rehab routine should be followed.



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