Injury Reduction Tips

While absolute injury “prevention” isn’t exactly possible with so many variables in life, we can focus on injury “reduction”.

Here are some basic tips to keep in mind:

  1. Start slow. If you are starting a new workout routine, new skill, or new job, start slow. Don’t throw yourself into it 100% on day 1, gradually build up exposure to it.

  2. Get both strong and mobile in the movements that are required. If you need to pick things up off the ground at your job, get stronger picking things up. If you need to reach overhead at your job, get stronger lifting things over your head. Simple.

  3. Proper sleep and nutrition. Boring, I know, but nothing will ever beat the basics. 7-8 hours of sleep per night and enough calories and protein to meet your body’s demands goes a long way for recovering properly.

  4. Take frequent breaks. Whether at work, or in the gym, take periods of rest/less work. This could mean standing up every hour or work, or taking a “deload” week in the gym to pull back intensity.

  5. Move often and consistently. “Move it or lose it”.

Let us know if this is helpful!



Pain Does Not Mean Damage